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Get in touch!

To book your consultation, ask any questions or to request our brochure of packages, please call or email us. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Call: 0161 468 2655


Pre-Exercise Questionaire
Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and/or recommended only medically supervised exercise?
Do you suffer from chest pains doing physical activity and/or at rest?
Do you suffer from epilepsy?
Has your doctor/nurse ever said that your blood pressure was too high?
Do you ever lose consciousness or lose control of your balance due to dizziness?
Has your doctor ever said that you have bone or joint problems that might be made worse with exercise?
Do you regularly take medication?
Are you pregnant/trying for a baby, or have you given birth in the last 3 months?
Is there any other reason, not mentioned above that exercise or activity may not be suitable for you?
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions; is your physician aware of your intention to exercise?
I have read and fully understand this questionnaire and confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the answers given by me are correct and accurate. I know of no reason why I should not participate in any form of physical exercise. I agree to notify my Swimming teacher of any changes to the above answers before continuing to exercise.

Information Consent: 

  • In consideration for being allowed to participate in this exercise program, I agree to assume the risk of such exercise, and further agree to hold harmless Alistair Mills Fitness Ltd, it’s employees and agents, specifically Swimming teachers, Personal Trainers and Physiotherapists under contract with Alistair Mills Fitness Ltd from any and all claims, suits, losses or related caused of action for damages, including, but not limited to, such claims that may result in my injury or death, accidental or otherwise, during or arising in any way from the exercise program.

  • I understand that all Swimming Teachers, Personal Trainers and Physiotherapists are Alistair Mills Fitness Ltd employees. Payments for professional services or products are paid directly to the company. Questions or disputes regarding the purchased services or products are to be taken up with our management team.

  • I understand that refunds for purchased appointments will only be given at the discretion of the management team and always under circumstances where by the Personal Trainer is unable to complete the purchased/agreed appointments. Appointments cancelled with less than 24-hours notice will be charged at full price.


Thanks for submitting!

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